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Brøndbys Vision & Strategi

Skrevet af Rasmus Stephansen, 1 måned(er) siden

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I det udsendte prospekt ifm. den nye emission kan man læse selskabet Vision og Strategi som mange har spurgte ind til 

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Vision and goal

The Company aims to be a financially sustainable club that creates value for fans, partners, and shareholders. The Company's football club, including the First Team and the women's first team, strives to compete for titles every year, allowing the Company to generate significant revenue through participation in European League stages and player development. The Company seeks to offer the best facilities for fans and sponsors in Scandinavia and expects to continue to invest in the stadium experience and digital development with an increased focus on sustainable growth whilst delivering value adding sponsorships and grow the fanbase through strong content and fan experiences.



The Company's strategy focuses on improving the financial performance and become a financial sustainable business by investing in the First Team to achieve consistent participation in the UEFA tournament league stages, unlocking player transfer potential and investments in commercial growth opportunities, including within infrastructure and digital development.  Continued strategic investments in especially the First Team are key to ensure the Company's regular qualification for European competitions. By acquiring high-performance senior players and nurturing talent to strengthen the current First Team, the Company aims to improve its performance in both domestic and European competitions. Consistent participation in European 50 competitions will drive financia returns through distributions from UEFA, increased sponsorship interest, merchandise sales, and matchday revenue, while also enhancing the Company's brand. The Management assesses that consistent performances and international exposure may increase the value of the Company's players, enabling higher and profitable value transfers and reinvestment opportunities. The Company intends to continue investing in the development of its talent academy, Brøndby Masterclass. This strategic investment is focused on building a strong pipeline of talent, ensuring a steady flow of skilled players into the First Team. By nurturing these talents, the Company aims to secure future competitiveness, transfer sales and long-term success. As further described in this section "9 - Business Overview", the Company focuses being at the forefront of enhancing the fan experience in Denmark by, among others, offering developed digital solutions and a league-leading stadium experience. As such, the Company strategically focuses on further development of the Company as a brand through well know brand collaborations with a vision to create a revenue-generating business model that combines digital brand content with exclusive product offerings to its extensive fanbase.   Finally, the Company is investing in women’s football to strengthen its brand value and expand the commercial opportunities within this business area.  With the expectation of competing for titles and playing European football in the coming seasons, the Management deems that there is a significant commercial potential to be tapped into, aimed at generating additional revenue for the Company by distributions from UEFA and further appeal to new sponsors. Additional investments in stadium infrastructure are expected by Management to unlock further commercial growth opportunities.


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